Психологические факторы международной миграции
Научная статья
2. Hamburger A., Hancheva C., Öscürümez S., Scher C., Stankovic B., Tutnjevic C. (2018). Forced Migration and Social Trauma: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Sociology and Politics. New York: Routledge. 292 p. (In Eng.).
3. Ickiewicz-Sawicka M., Borkowska A. (2018). Migration in the Light of Criminology and Psychology: “Win-Win” in Theory and Practice // Refugees and Migrants in Law and Policy. Cham: Springer. P. 803–833 (in Eng.).
4. Mitzen J. (2018). Feeling at Home in Europe: Migration, Ontological Security, and the Political Psychology of EU Bordering // Political Psychology. Vol. 39. Issue 6. P. 1373–1387 (in Eng.).
5. Montazer S. (2018). Disentangling the effects of primary and secondary international migration on psychological distress: the role of mastery // Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 109. Issue 3. P. 284–293 (in Eng.).
6. Plooy D. R., Lyons A., Kashima E. S. (2019). Predictors of Flourishing and Psychological Distress Among Migrants to Australia: A Dual Continuum Approach // Journal of Happiness Studies. Vol. 74. Issue 4. P. 561–578 (in Eng.).
7. Silka L. (2018). Adding a Community Focus to the Psychological Investigation of Immigration Issues and Policies // Journal of Social Issues. Vol. 74. Issue 4. P. 856–870 (in Eng.).
Поступила: 16.03.2021