Стереотипы и предрассудки в правовом представлении гендерного насилия. Социокультурный анализ судебной практики Италии
Научная статья
2. Gribaldo, A. (2019), The Burden of Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence, Experience, and Persuasion. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 42(2), pp. 283-297. https://doi.org/10.1111/plar.12309.
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4. Di Nicola, P. (2018), La mia parola contro la sua: Ovvero quando il pregiudizio è più importante del giudizio. HarperCollins, Milan.
5. Gribaldo, A. (2014), The paradoxical victim: Intimate violence narratives on trial in Italy. American Ethnologist. 41(4), pp. 743-756. https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12109.
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10. Bourdieu, P. (2001), Masculine domination. Stanford University Press, Stanford.
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12. Lea, S. J. & Lynn, N. (2012), Dialogic reverberations: police, domestic abuse, and the discontinuance of cases. Journal of interpersonal violence. 27(15), pp. 3091-3114. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260512441075.
13. Burman, M. (2010), The ability of criminal law to produce gender equality: Judicial discourses in the Swedish criminal legal system. Violence Against Women. 16(2), pp. 173-188.
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15. Kelly, L. & Westmorland, N. (2016), Naming and defining ‘domestic violence’: Lessons from research with violent men. Feminist review. 112(1), pp. 113-127.
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Опубликована: 01.07.2021